Editor's Letter
To forage. It is not as much an act as it is a dying art form, losing its footing in the face of on-demand everything. For the launch issue of Foragers, we seek to draw attention to those who avoid the “take out” ethos in favor of a finagled office-sustained existence. Whether an act of creativity or a commitment to cheapness, there is inspiration to be found by looking inward and feeding yourself with whatever happens to be lying around. Lack.
It’s in this headspace that the most ordinary ingredients get remixed into something much more artistic, the composition taking on a flavor that is in a direct relationship to the creative constraints imposed on it. There is no mess to be made by ordering off a menu, nor can originality be neatly packed and delivered in fifteen or less. To forage is to accept the bounds of convention and use them as a device to create work that cannot be constrained. The results: minimally satiating. Consistently inspiring.
Foragers Journal was created by Maria Piessis and Megan Baldwin during their time as artists in residency at an LA based creative agency. Deciding that the money in their quickly dwindling savings accounts was better spent on alcohol than food, they opted to focus their creative energies and culinary talents on mining the well-stocked office snack cabinet for their meals. The resulting images explore current workplace culture, a land where a covetable snack drawer has become a marker of Millennial cool.
Photography : Maria Piessis
Words : Megan Baldwin